Life in general

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Sydney Test New Year's Day?

I cannot believe the Sydney Test does not begin until January 6. IMO this is a massive miss by Cricket Australia (CA). CA are missing a golden opportunity to capitalise on the New Year's holiday by not starting the test on January 1. Boxing Day is iconic now and a massive money spinner - why Sydney does not try and capitalise in a similar manner is mind boggling. There is absolutely nothing significant happening on January 1, and starting a test on this day would emulate the Boxing Day and be massive. Many will say the break is too short between the finish of the Boxing Day test and Jan 1. But they are professional sportsmen and and this type of schedule comes with the territory. They will be fine. New Year's Day Sydney Test - it would be massive I say. What do you think?

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Pistorius - he should not be able to run at the Olympics

I disagree stongly with Lausanne's sporting tribunal decision allowing South African disabled runner Pistorius to run against able bodied athletes at the Beijing Olympics. With no disrespect to Pistorius, it is impossible to determine whether the carbon fibre blades he wares actually give him an unfair advantage against able bodied athletes. As a result, he should be restricted to competing in the Para Olympics where such prosthetics arae allowed.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Howard's IR

Unfortunately, it seems all Australians will have to suffer the oppressive Industrial relation laws as proposed in Parliamnet. Not that anyone has had the time to read the 1200 pages. One can only hope that someone in the Senate has the guts to cross the floor and stand up what is morally right - opposing these extreme laws. See our web site.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Resignation of Colin Powell

The resignation of Colin Powell sees one of the moderates removed from the Bush administration. With right wing hardliners Wulfavich?, Cheney and Rumsfeld left advising Bush, I worry who will take over Powell's role. It is important that there is a moderate in the cabinet to balance the ultra right wing lobby Bush already has advising him. What do you think?

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The Election

Today the world could change. If Kerry is elected, there is hope for a better future for the world. If Bush is elected, more of the same - chaos in Iraq, high oli prices and a declining American econmy. Lets hope for a better world.